P as in Part Time
What options do I have to increase or decrease my working hours?
Employees who work less than the regular working hours in the company are considered part-time employees. It is irrelevant whether the reduced scope of employment results from shorter working days, fewer working days per week or other working time models.
Can my employer treat me differently because I work part-time?
Part-time employees may not be discriminated against compared to full-time employees. This also applies to employees in marginal employment relationships (Minijobs).
Does my employer have to agree if I want to reduce my working hours?
The change from a full-time position to a part-time position and from a part-time position to a full-time position is usually agreed between the employee and the employer. Under certain circumstances, your employer may be required to agree to a change in the scope of employment in certain situations. The Part-Time and Fixed-Term Employment Act (Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz, TzBfG) provides entitlements for employees to reduce or increase their individual working hours or to reduce them for a limited period of time. These rights do not require the employee to justify why he or she wishes to change his or her working hours. However, the employer may object if operational reasons conflict with the employee’s wishes.
A template for a request for a reduction or increase of working hours can be found in the download section of my webpage.
The Federal Parental Leave and Parental Allowance Act (Bundeselternzeit- und Elterngeldgesetz, BEEG), the Family Care Leave Act (Familienpflegezeitgesetz) and the Care Leave Act (Pflegezeitgesetz) each provide for their own entitlements for the care of children or for the care of relatives.
Please note: This is a very general overview on german labor law. If you need help in your particular case, please do not hestitate to contact me or book your appointment. I’m happy to help.